Been a long time, but first things first, so here's the obituary (All Apologies.):
So Michael Jackson is dead...well he has almost been dead all these years...so to be precise, he's back in the news because he is dead. And guess what, they are burying him without his brain (like he had one), which i am sure will be preserved as the masterpiece that doled out Bad and Dangerous to the world and spurned an entire industry (cult, to be politically correct.)But with all the hardsell going on with this guy's death, it seems very likely that he will be beatified soon...hold your breathe...St. MJ is here!
The Media guys have made sure he looks exactly the genius he was allegedly to be and not a child molester. (Oops!) Get real folks, just the fact that he's dead does not make him great. True, he's innocent until proven guilty, but nothing will cover the bizarre antics he displayed, sometimes bordering psychopathic. He sure has got his fans who will swear by the misguided genius, yet, MJ was what he was. And that has been proved since Nirvana kicked his ass in the early 90's.
So fact of the matter:
Kurt Cobain rocks, MJ sucks. (More so after they are both dead. LOL.)
One thing you miss out in you blog is that despite any of the above, MJ was/is/will still remain the King, exactly like there cannot be another Amitabh Bachan.
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